This exploration is a spiritual focus based on the findings of the Diamond Approach co-created by A. H. Almaas and Karen Johnson. This approach aids in increasing awareness in order to experience life at a deeper level and get to know yourself as Essence. My experience as Essence has transformed my therapy practice. I have developed my awareness such that I can see, feel and experience issues as they arrive in the space of our inquiries together. This helps me to have a larger perspective, and I can be more aware of what’s unfolding in the moment instead of falling into the beliefs and identifications that hinder me from being present in the room with you.
The practices encouraged by the Diamond Approach are inquiry, meditation and practicing presence in life. These help us keep in touch with our true self. We inquire into the experience whatever it is, essential states of consciousness or beliefs, identifications, negative thoughts or any other blocks in order to learn their function and how they are serving us in the present moment.
According to, “As a contemporary spiritual teaching, the Diamond Approach to Inner Realization considers the totality of the human being. It is a path of self-realization and human maturity based on an original synthesis of modern discoveries in the field of psychology and a new paradigm about spiritual nature. “ For more information, please visit the site.